
Queen Elizabeth II Silver Minted Coins

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Silver has long been regarded as a metal of purity, capable of deterring unseen evils and shining a gleaming light of radiance into the world. For royal families in the UK, dining from only silver or gold would have been acceptable. As such, we’re happy to offer a collection of silver Queen Elizabeth coins and bars that even the Queen herself would be proud of!

Symbols from the former British colonies adorn these coins, including the platypus of Australia, the maple leaf of Canada and even Britannia herself. Each of these coins, regardless of the imagery on their facing side, has one special thing in common: they bear the official profile of Queen Elizabeth, made when she became Britain’s longest-ruling monarch.

With Queen Elizabeth II now deceased, future coins bearing her profile will no longer be minted. This is causing a run on Queen Elizabeth II coins, particularly those in collectible condition (as is the case with our products). 

The value of silver is poised to go up in the future as industrialization increases around the developing world. Act now and make like a royal preparing for a feast – get your hands on some silver!